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VenaCure EVLT

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How does the Treatment Work?

The VenaCure EVLT procedure is minimally-invasive and can be performed in a doctor’s office. It addresses both the cosmetic and medical issues associated with varicose veins.

A laser light emitted through a thin fiber inserted into the damaged vein delivers just a small amount of energy, causing the malfunctioning vein to close and seal shut.

Veins that are treatable with the VenaCure EVLT system are superficial veins. Laser therapy with the VenaCure EVLT system is indicated for varicose veins and varicosities with superficial reflux of the Greater Saphenous Vein, and in the treatment of incompetent refluxing veins in the superficial venous system in the lower limb.

After the VenaCure EVLT procedure, your body will naturally route blood flow to other veins. Bulging and pain in the damaged and now-sealed vein will subside after the procedure.

Because VenaCure EVLT vein treatment eliminates varicose veins where they start, the results can be obvious right away

What Should I Expect During the Treatment?

A local anesthetic is injected. Then, the thin laser fiber is inserted into the vein through a very small entry point. While you might feel an unfamiliar sensation, it’s not painful. This part of the procedure takes just a few minutes.

Immediately after the procedure, you’ll be encouraged to walk. You can resume most normal activities the same day.

If needed, you can take over-the-counter, non-aspirin pain relievers for any temporary soreness.

After treatment, there may be slight swelling and bruising, but that will subside and you will see a significant difference in the appearance of your legs, with minimal-to-no bruising.

Insurance Coverage

Varicose vein treatment with the VenaCure EVLT system is typically covered by insurance, including Medicare, when medically necessary. So what constitutes medical necessity when it comes to varicose veins? Usually patients must demonstrate symptoms of venous reflux disease, specifically: 1) pain, swelling, leg cramps, ulcers or bleeding from varicosities, and 2) presence of reflux on ultrasound scan. The doctor’s office where you have your treatment performed can help you determine if your treatment will be covered by your insurance company.

How does the VenaCure EVLT System Actually Work to Treat Varicose Veins?

A laser fiber is fired inside and along the length of the damaged vein. The laser energy heats the blood, which affects the vein wall, shrinking them closed so that blood can no longer flow through.

Is Loss of this Vein a Problem?

No. There are many veins in the leg and, after treatment, the blood in the faulty veins will be diverted to normal veins with functional valves. The resulting increase in circulation can significantly relieve symptoms and improve appearance.

What are the Side Effects and Complications of Varicose Vein Treatment with the VenaCure EVLT System?

The VenaCure EVLT procedure, like all minimally invasive procedures, can potentially have some slight bruising, which commonly disappears within the first few weeks. You will feel a delayed tightness (or “pulling” sensation) 4-7 days after laser treatment, which is normal and expected following a successful treatment. All surgical procedures involve some element of risk and have the potential for complications. This should be balanced against the risk of complications if your varicose veins remain untreated. Consult your physician for further information.

Am I at Risk from the Laser?

You will be given a pair of special glasses to wear to protect your eyes; however this is just a precaution against accidental firing of laser energy outside the body.

How Much does Laser Varicose Vein Treatment Cost?

The VenaCure EVLT procedure, when medically necessary for relief of symptoms, is commonly reimbursed by most carriers (including Medicare), limiting the cost to the patient. Contact your specific insurer for details.

What are Alternative Varicose Vein Treatments?

Surgery (called ‘Ligation & Stripping’) was the traditional treatment, but it can be quite painful and often has a long recovery time. It is performed in a hospital, involves general anesthesia, leaves a scar, and varicose veins can reoccur. Other alternatives include ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy (injection therapy) and radiofrequency electrosurgery.

How Successful is the VenaCure EVLT Procedure?

Recent clinical data shows closure rates of 98%

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